Monday, March 28, 2011

The Fog

Last Summer, I started running. I quickly learned that I don't really like to run, but it's just a necessary torture for someone trying to get some exercise. So just about every night, right at 8:30 P.M. when my youngest son would go to bed, I would run. We live in the forest- in a house of course, but the house sits in the forest (just to clarify). We're not living out among the coyotes and squirrels per se, but our house does sit right smack dab in the middle of the woods. We have no lawn...we have trees. We live near the crest of a tall hill (our mountain), with valleys surrounding. Summer fog always creeps up the valleys and hangs over our hilltop. So picture, if you will, strapping on your running shoes and looking out into the woods at 8:30 twilight. A slow, grey curtain of fog was always starting to envelope the gravel driveway that my feet would soon be beating ferociously at that time of night. As I ran, the fog would get thicker and thicker until I could hardly see in front of me. Combined with the fact that it was 8:30 PM, it began to get dark rather quickly. I could just hear the pound, pound, pound of my feet on the road and assume that the surface was still there under my feet, even though it was obscured by the darkness and fog.

I feel like this is a picture of our faith at times. Sometimes it feels like we're running in the clarity of broad daylight and everything is picture perfect. Other times, there is a slow, grey fog creeping over us, keeping us from seeing the full panorama of what lies ahead. in the midst of runs in the fog, we can even feel like we should slow down out of fear. All the "what-if's" begin to creep in to our minds. "What if I trip over something I can't see...what if a deer runs out in front of me and totally clobbers me...what if I lose my way..." In the same way, when God seems distant, our first inclination is to kind of pull back. But the opposite needs to happen. At those times when God feels far away and our vision is dim, we've got to press in with more focus and determination. We need to repent, to seek life through the words of Scripture, to seek out counsel from Christ-like friends. I believe most importantly, we need to worship. To sing out to God. If our fog is in part a distraction caused by the enemy, nothing will send him packing faster than to hear our hearts singing in praise of a God who never leaves or forsakes us.

At those times when I'm looking around in the fog, not even sure which direction to go, the first logical thing to remember is that the road below my feet hasn't moved. The scenery around me is changed, but the path to the safety of my home is still the same as it always has been. The road will never move. In the same way, as we're running through our Spiritual journey in this life, Jesus is and always will be our firm foundation. Though we may pass through a section of living that doesn't seem clear or doesn't "feel right", we can count on Jesus. Always. He never fails. And His word never fails. I am seeing more in this season of life than any other I've been through that His word is critical. We can get by and survive as Christians when we  have a hit and miss routine of reading the scriptures, but we only begin to thrive when we dive in deep. My prayer today is that we will keep running. Even in the fog. That we'll press in and cling to the promises of God and sing in celebration that He always keeps those promises. The best part of my nightly runs was when it was finished! I'd stretch out my muscles on the front porch in the glow of our porch light, moths darting about trying to get closer than close to the warmth of the bulb. In the same way, God offers us comfort, peace, and sheds light on our situation when we finally come out of the fog. His presence is always a welcome, warm embrace. May He be your peace and comfort today and may you seek His presence always...even if you find yourself in the fog.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 
Isaiah 41:10

Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. 
Matthew 10:26

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 
2 Timothy 1:7

For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"
 Hebrews 13:5-6


  1. Very well written, Carrie! Your Blogs have been an Inspiration to me at times when life seems to be just a tad bit too tough to get through.

  2. Thank you! I am glad that you're encouraged. I hope to write some shorter devotional-type posts on a more regular basis. God is definitely worth writing about :) Be blessed. You are in my prayers today.

  3. Wonderful.

    I run, too. I do laps in our And it's awesome how the Lord meets me in my jogging. It always ends up being such a good time with the Lord. Now we just need the weather to get warm and stay there!

    Such a good post! As always!

    - Kate :)
