Thursday, January 15, 2015

Big Dreams, Bigger God

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
I CAN do ALL things through HIM who gives me strength!  Phil. 4:13 (emphasis mine- we need to say those capitalized words with makes all the difference!)

It's a new year and a new chance to make some goals and some changes. I am currently mid- reconstruction following my mastectomy last Fall. I have my final surgery on March 11. After what should be a brief recovery, I can close this Breast Cancer Chapter. And move on. But move on to what? That is the grand question.

I do have a few ideas. They're crazy though. Ideas that a dish-doing, kid-raising, coupon-cutting Mom doesn't really have time or energy for...or does she? Well, this Mom does. I am declaring 2015 the year of Restoration. 2014 held too much destruction and change. I am tired of looking back and the only way for me is forward.

I am writing songs again. Songs that tell the story of a faithful God. Songs of healing and hope. I feel strongly in my gut that it's time to pound a stake in the ground and claim territory officially: I am a songwriter. I am a worship leader. These bring me joy and they are some of my biggest purposes on this earth. I feel like this is the year. It has all come to this.

I really, really, really feel called to make an album of my songs. Soon. As I have begun to research the costs, it makes my head spin. I could be discouraged. But instead, I feel almost giddy- like a journey is about to begin- I woke up this morning and spoke out loud to God, "I can't wait to see how You're going to do this!"

And so, I ask you for two things. Please pray for me. I believe God calls us all to specific things in specific seasons. I believe He equips and provides. He shocks us with His provision and wows us with His faithfulness. Yes. This is the God I know and love. So please pray that my faith is increased and that God opens doors wide.

Secondly, what dream have you stowed away in your own heart? What crazy thing have you pushed aside, thinking, not now or maybe even, not ever. Would you consider dreaming again? As I take the plunge, or maybe timidly stick a toe into the water, would you consider taking a step too? The world needs whatever it is God has planted in your heart. So let's be brave. Let's start using our what-ifs in a positive way. Let's not allow another year to go by as we wish. Let's obey. Let's dream again.

What has God called you to do? I'd love to hear about it, so comment below!

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