Monday, April 25, 2011

The Altar of Peace

I was reading in a study Bible of mine this morning in John 14. There was an interesting note off to the side about a historical event that had occurred that put Jesus' inspiring words about peace into a new light for me. I am sort of a history nerd (it was one of my concentrations for my education major in college) and I taught Social Studies for a couple years when I taught middle school and loved it. Anytime we can use historical information to gain further context and insight, that's a good thing. 

So here's a brief history lesson for you: 

"In 9 B.C. Augusts dedicated the Altar of Peace in Rome, a marble altar in an enclosure 38 by 35 feet. The altar was decorated with carved garlands and other sculptures illustrating peace and prosperity that Augustus announced as his gift to the world. Jesus announced yet a greater peace from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:27)"

So it stands to reason that people must have been pretty impressed with this giant marble peace symbol. It was probably the talk of many towns. It was something visual, a very literally huge reminder of the "gift of peace" that Augustus promised. If you'd like to read more about it, you can click here:

This picture shows a reconstruction of the altar (the original was destroyed). As you can see, it's an impressive structure- beautiful even in an architectural sense. But looking at it, the word "peace" doesn't really come to mind. So what were the Romans going after when they launched this building process? 

People like believing in and can understand things that they can see, don't they? I mean, we drive our car because we know that our car is in working order when we pop the hood. We like to walk on a bridge only if it's not visibly falling apart. We like to put our kids in swings that look sturdy enough to hold them up. We like to put our trust in things we can touch and see. It's difficult to embrace an abstract concept and put your total trust into that concept.  I think that's why Augustus built this giant marble deal. Peace is a feeling, but he tried to create an object to encapsulate it. We do the exact same thing today. We try to find peace in a myriad of different objects or places. But we can search and search and we will find that anything that is not of God will not bring us the peace we long for. 

In John 14:27, Jesus said "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

This past weekend was just amazing. At our church, Lancaster Community Church, I believe that so many lives were changed. Many people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Many more people committed themselves to moving into higher levels of commitment to Christ. There is a peace in my heart  this morning in knowing that Jesus, though He was crucified, which we remembered on Friday, reigns forever in heaven, which we should celebrate every single moment of our lives. There is such peace in knowing that I am loved, I am free from my sin, I am part of an everlasting Kingdom, and that if God is for me (and He is, by the way), then nothing can stand against me. 

If you find yourself on a constant quest for peace, would you just do me a favor? A couple favors, actually. First of all, pull out your Bible and read it. Start with John 14 and keep going. Secondly, if you're not part of a church, would you just give it a shot? I think you would find our church to be welcoming, very casual, non-threatening, filled with everyday, ordinary people who are trying, just like you, on a lifelong journey to find Jesus. Some of us are running on that journey, others are moving at a snails pace, but we're all moving forward and experiencing the beautiful peace that comes from only one source and that's Jesus. He is truly the author and giver of peace and is more real to me than any manmade attempt at peace that ever was, or ever will be.

 Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

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