Here are some more reflections, direct quotes, etc. from the book "Worship Matters" by Bob Kauflin.
So they feared the LORD but also served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away. 2 Kings 17:33
Our hearts are so divided. Even when we have those rapturous moments with God and feel like we really have it together, it's too easy to fall back into our old ways. We are so pulled and persuaded that there are other ways to find joy and peace in our lives that do not include, or hardly include a life with Jesus. This is false. A complete lie straight from the enemy. The "heart" chapter in the book really opened my eyes to this. If we want to worship in "spirit and in truth" as stated in John 4:23, our hearts are going to require some attention.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.
John 4:23
"We fear the Lord externally doing all the right things on Sunday morning- singing, strumming a guitar, lifting our hands, yet actively serve false gods throughout the week. We profess to love the true God, but actually love false idols. It's a condition that God, in His mercy, is committed to changing." Bob Kauflin
"The Lord sees and judges the heart; He has no regard to outward forms of worship if there be no inward adoration, if no devout affection be employed therein. It is therefore a matter of infinite importance to have the whole heart engaged steadfastly for God." Isaac Watts
About the time that I lose a sense of awe for who God is is about the time that my heart is invaded by other things trying to take God's rightful place. Andy Stanley often says "Vision leaks" to encourage leaders to stay focused on their mission and goals. I think awe and reverence leak too. Often.
How do we combat this? Psalm 26:2-3 says "Prove me, O LORD, and try me;test my heart and my mind. For your steadfast love is before my eyes,and I walk in your faithfulness." We have to ask. We need to be reminded of our heart conditions on a daily basis- an hourly basis if needed. God cannot be put into a box six days of the week and pulled out on Sunday like a forgotten toy. If we want to change and grow, we've got to put in some effort and develop routines that will bring us closer to the Savior.
I am so bad about this. I was waking up really early for a few weeks after the Summit and just spending some time in the word and in prayer. Well, then I got sick and started sleeping in because I needed my rest (legitimate excuse). But then I got better (excuse gone). And I still have been sleeping in (trapped in a bad routine). I then have to cram some time with God wherever I can fit it during my day. It's not that the desire is not there it's just that the effort is lacking. Maybe it's shocking to see a Worship Director write that, but it's the truth. I'm human and I am thankful that God knows my heart, but I also want my actions to match what my heart longs for.
All of us have a choice to make. Sometimes the choice is easy, but more often than not, it's hard. Worship God? OR Worship myself, or things, or someone we love, or an idea, or a dream we're chasing. Time is so variable and out of our control, so we must make the most of what we've been given and work on reversing the divisions in our hearts. Now. I know I felt so convicted while I wrote this that I'm going to set my alarm for early tomorrow morning as soon as I'm done publishing this blog! Desire comes easily, effort does not, but we must remember that it is part of our human condition that "God, in His mercy, is committed to changing."Praise God for never giving up on us!
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