Monday, March 4, 2013

Finding God in the Mess

Have you ever read those Facebook status updates where a woman goes through every detail of her day- how she washed and dried and put away 36 loads of laundry, and how she has changed 17 poopy diapers so far that morning alone?

Have you ever written one? Be honest.

I will. I have!

I had a friend ask me last week why women do that. I had no intelligible answer to that question. But I've been thinking about it. And I think the situation goes deep. Waaaay deep. So if you'd like to explore this mysterious phenomenon AND learn that Jesus wants something better for us, then keep reading.

It's no joke- running a household is not an easy, neat, or drama-free task. There are some days I feel like I could lose my mind. I think the problem with being a wife/Mom/live-in maid, is that life often feels like a mixture of the movie Groundhog Day and the episode of Saved by the Bell where Jesse Spano has to take caffeine pills in order to get everything done (Here's the link to the classic're welcome- The thing is though, that as with everything in this life, we have a choice of how we respond to the mundane, often ridiculous, never dull, seldom predictable days that we have amongst our children wiping their noses and then turning around only to have to wipe it again- washing all the dishes only to have to wash them again (and again and again), getting those clothes put away only to turn around to see another pile needing get the idea. It's a never-ending cycle. There may be a feeling of victory and closure at the end of the day when everything is all put away and lovely and sparkling. But that feeling of closure is ripped open the next morning, just like the lid of the toy box in the family room. And the toys come right back out.

Never. Ending. Cycle.

Well the question of why women feel the need to post their grievances for the world to see got me to thinking. And when I get to thinking, it's downright dangerous. I've come to the conclusion that we shouldn't complain about the life God has given us. "But it's soooo haaaard to do this everrrrryyy dayyyy!" I hear you.

If we shouldn't complain and feel downhearted, then what should our attitude be? (And please, if you post something about laundry or poopy diapers on Facebook, don't feel like I am going to judge you. I'll probably slip up and pop one on there myself sooner or later.) If we look at Jesus' life, we know He was and is the ultimate servant. He said specifically that He came to serve (Matthew 20:28- "even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”- Jesus actually died for us...kinda makes our laundry woes inconsequential, eh?) He showed his love through serving others tirelessly. He got down on his knees and washed the filthy feet of His own followers (John 13). He didn't complain. He didn't put His hand to His head in dramatic fashion, hoping for someone to notice His difficulties. He didn't want sympathy or crave a pat on the back. And we can learn from this. All of us.

Jesus' ultimate goal is to get us, His followers, to actually follow Him. And in so doing, to become like Him. Imagine it. It makes the heart soar and the head spin. A word to the ladies reading this, Jesus wants us to be like Him. So in your daily sacrificial duties, and trust me, Mom-of-3 boys that I am, I understand that there are sacrifices- let's look to Him as our example.

Let's be last. With willingness.

Let's bind up those little hearts and wipe away those tears. With compassion.

Let's serve our husbands well and meet their needs. With submission.

Let's complete our tasks throughout the day. With joy.

That's a day well done. That's something to be proud of. That's the kind of day that sheds light into the darkest corners of our hearts and shines right out of our front doors to the rest of the watching world.

Guys. You're not off the hook. If you are a husband, encourage your wife as she grows in this area. Be helpful. Don't fall into the excuse that you're a guy and you just don't know how to clean. Everyone can learn this simple skill :) While I do believe women are better predisposed emotionally and mentally for such tasks as child-rearing and the running of a household, I also believe that marriage and life together is a team effort! So do what you can to lead your family as a team. Recognize your calling to encourage, equip, and love your wife as she learns to serve willingly and well. Roll up your sleeves and wash some dishes. And pick your dirty socks up off of the floor by your side of the bed. Please. Work together! I promise it will be a challenge, but the results will be phenomenal.

I do believe that we learn so much from God in the day-to-day. Those are the real deal, rubber-meets-the-road kind of experiences. He is longing to meet us there. He wants to take us under His wing and show us a better way. He has given us a beautiful example in the life of Jesus to follow.

I'd love to write more, but as you can guess, I have a lot of work to do. Spiritually AND physically. So let's all commit to start looking at our days differently. Whoever you are, whatever you do and wherever you find yourself today- let us serve. Let us give. Let us find Him in the mess!


  1. Great stuff! Funny, heartfelt, challenging and encouraging...and I'm a guy.

  2. I'll gladly pick up my socks. Now that I think about it I put my socks back on this morning. There shouldn't be any socks there at the moment. In the future I will gladly pick up my socks.

    1. Jarrod, that was entirely hypothetical. There are no socks by the bed on the floor. Sweatpants, yes. Socks no. I can't complain- you are a wonderful helper. I think I'll keep you around ;)
