Louie Giglio, founder of the Passion movement and now Pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, GA has done more for my spiritual growth than he will ever know. This is a guy who thinks big. I mean REALLY big. This is a guy who loves Jesus. REALLY loves Jesus. At a time when I just wasn't quite sure what church was all about anymore in my college years, God truly worked in my life when my brother, Eric, bought a Passion CD for our family for Christmas. I fell in love with the songs right away and then began to explore the heartbeat and the organization behind the movement- and that was when we found Louie. Throughout our college years we were avid members of the Passion Movement. We once loaded up a van of friends and drove straight to Atlanta for a single evening service called "Passion on the Hill". 10 hours of driving for a 2 hour service! Totally worth it! We were at Oneday. We went to the Thirsty Conference 3 years in a row. We represented the Passion music label, sixstepsrecords. Passion was a huge part of our lives and God truly used it to form us into the worship leaders and Christ followers that we are today.
In years when Jarrod and I were feeling called to ministry, in seasons when those ministries didn't work out and we were feeling clueless and without a church home to anchor us, Louie was there, speaking God's truth and driving a passion for God deep into our souls.
Last night, Louie's new church opened it's doors. Seriously, take some time to look at the pictures in the link below. Absolutely brilliant. Louie has served as an example to us about excellence in ministry, living a life of worship, living a missional life in our culture, and mostly, he has embodied what it means to really love Jesus. He has spoken into our lives for 12 years now and I pray that God blesses his new church beyond what anyone could ever imagine. I pray that Passion City Church equips and releases countless workers for the Kingdom, and that they would continue to be inspired and to inspire an intense passion for God to all they encounter.
So inspired. So blessed. So amazed.
And if you've never heard Louie teach before, or even if you have, you should listen to his messages here:
"Yes Lord, walking in the way of Your truth we wait eagerly for You, for Your name and renown are the desire of our souls.” Isaiah 26:8
-The guiding verse of the Passion movement.
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